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When should I get the tires on my vehicle rotated?
Please refer to your
Owner's Manual.
Why is tire rotation so important?
Tires in different positions on a vehicle perform different tasks. Regular rotation helps tires to wear evenly, maximizes tread life and tires can be replaced in sets of four, which is preferable.
Why is tire pressure important?
Proper tire inflation helps prevent accelerated wear that leads to premature tire replacement and has an important safety aspect as well. Tires that are driven under-inflated generate excessively high heat levels that can weaken the tire to the point of failure. At high speed, a rapidly deflating tire can cause loss of vehicle control. An over-inflated tire will result in harsh ride quality and will cause uneven tire wear.
How often should I check my tire pressure?
Checking your tire pressure once a month is a best practice. Be sure the tires are cold (resting for at least three hours or driven less than one mile), and don’t forget to check your spare tire. You should always use a good-quality tire gauge to check pressure–don’t ever try to “eyeball” tires because they can look fine even when they are under-inflated. Remember that tires can lose air pressure in cold weather.